
Fundamentals II: The Five Pointers of the Modern Day Yogic Lifestyle

In my first post of Yoga fundamentals we have looked into the purpose of yoga and the journey of Yoga; the inner journey and letting go of our ego and material things. In this blogpost you’ll finally find the five pointers of Yoga where you have been waiting for. A simplified modern day version of the eight limbs of Raja Yoga summarized by Swami Vishnu Devananda. Easy to follow and to enjoy for everyone stepping onto the path of Yoga.

Funny fact

Did you know that Yoga is only available to all people since the last centuries? Before this time only men, in high ranks or monks could practice Yoga. What a shift it made in the world today wherein (if I take the data from my Yoga students) is 95% women!

5 Pointers of  Yoga

Anyhow the following Five Pointers of Yoga are easy accessible for every person and can help you to start your Yoga Lifestyle Journey today!

1. Perform appropriate exercise

Exercise means here the performing of Yoga asanas. They keep the body healthy and the mind clear. Yoga asanas not only maintain and stimulate health of the muscles in your body, but as well the organs. Besides that, it stimulates blood flow and proper function of the glands.

2. Breathe well

So perform Yogic breathing exercises. Pranayama or preperation exercises for pranayama. Almost every Yoga class starts or ends with breathing exercises.

3. Relax

After activation of the body, the body needs time to come back to senses again. In Yoga class we do this by having Shavasana (corpse pose) in between poses and at the start and end of a class.

4. Yogic diet

Yogis usually are vegans or lacto-vegetarians. They don’t eat other animals and will get milk and cheese in an organic way, to not hurt the animals and environment (do good to others). They eat mainly vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts and only as much as they need. These are foods that are not processed and therefore still hold most of the vital energies that our bodies need. There is a special Yogic diet, but this is very strict and almost impossible to follow. There for most people use the Ayurvedic diet, based on the dosha’s. This is also a vegan or (lacto)-vegetarian diet.

5. Have positive thoughts and meditate

As negativity can lower the vibrations in our bodies and the world around us.

During a Hatha Yoga class mostly four out of five of these pointers are covered. The only one that is missing is pointer 4: your diet. That is something that is up to you.

Reading the five pointers will hopefully make you realise that Yoga is never about how bendy you are. It is about the process when you take the journey inwards. Everybody is different and everybody has other qualities. None is better than the other. Love yourself also when you can’t come down a pose because the others can. Observe these thoughts,  go inside. It is your practice, you are practicing it for You!

Feel free to start your Yoga journey today!

I hope this has inspired you to keep reading. If you don’t want to miss out on anything, please subscribe to the facebook page or the Newsletter below.

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Nagabandhu Yoga

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