
Change is the only Constant (so easier to accept it!)

Every day is different, every day we are different, physically, emotionally, mentally. The earth goes in circles, we go around on it and age just as everything around us. Our cells renewing daily. And as well, nothing on this earth is of permanent matter. It will change in another form, but will not exist forever. It’s always transcending into something else. Recycebles will be recycled into other objects, waste will be burned and turned into energy and ashes, and we will die one day and our bodies will be given back to the earth in whatever form.

According to the Yogic philosophy the only thing that is permanent, is our soul. It is evolving on planet earth, but we will always stay ourselves, igniting our bodies with life.

Change is there for inevitable on this earth, though there are a lot of people that fight the changes that are occurring in their lives. They fight to keep everything the same as it always was. What is behind this way of thinking?

Comfort zones

Everyone has a comfort zone, which is a normal state or place to go. To charge yourself again, to relax, to come back to senses. A safe haven, where nothing has to change. Though it is good for everyone to have a place to reinforce your energy, to clear your mind, it should not be a permanent place. This will also not be possible, since the world around you is decaying and changing daily. One step into the outside world and the wind of change gets you. Some people would rather stay in their safe place as long as they could. Not aging, not changing and not developing. But that is impossible in an ever changing world. Comfort zones are safe places and states of mind that you can use in between changes. Maybe it is a place where people that are afraid of change stay too long. For example workers that cannot follow up with the new ways and want to keep doing everything as in the ‘old ways’. Not seeing that change can also be a good thing.


So the opposite of safety is unsafety. People are scared or fear unsafety. Yes it is the fear of change, or the inability to change due to former experiences. They stay stuck at a place, physically or symbolically, that they know, knowing what they can expect. To make sure that this place stays safe, people might have to hold on very tight which uses a lot of energy. You can see it as trying to stop a car from driving, or the earth from turning. When you have to use so much strength to stop the turning motion or the car from running, it will exhausts you. You are using double or maybe even more of your energy.

Of course there are exceptions, for example secluded areas wherein people can keep doing everything in the old ways. Nice and safe according tradition. But there is a big difference between the outside world and these tribes of people; they do not evolve as much!


Why is everything changing constantly, why does nothing stay the same? Because our souls and genes are programmed to evolve. Every chance it gets to evolve, it will grasp with both hands! It’s our inner radar of curiosity. Curiosity is our motor to evolution. Like it is in our genes to want to know more, to want to taste more, smell more, to grow! To discover new places, to take courses and learn new lessons. We learn best and even more by trial and error. We program changes and lessons inside ourselves, into our souls. They are eager to continue. Like children that are exploring the world around them, we all have still this inner child in us that wants to explore, taste new tastes, feel new structures and evolve mentally, physically and emotionally. It is also part of our soul and imprint. Unconsciously it is waiting around for the next challenge to take on. And once it comes by, it will grasp hard and fast. While we consciously might be wondering why this lesson has come onto our path, it is our souls that have the answer.

Go with the Flow

If you understand now that there is no constant in this world, but change, you might also be able to start letting go your fight against change. It is our tool to continue, to grow ourselves, to employ ourselves, it is our soul speaking. The universe assisting as it all is the same energy. Knowing this, I advise you to start listening to the changes, just let them come and go like the winds and the clouds in the sky. Observe and reflect when needed and learn from the missteps in your life. They were laid there by your soul to step into and give you the chance to once and for all learn.

To accept the changes is the best thing you can do. It will make sure you use your energy in the right way, even when it might be hard. If you take the lesson, it will take you so much further than you ever imagined. So start flowing everyone, accepting and loving the road before you. Perfectly shaped by our souls and the universe.

I hope this has inspired you to keep reading. If you don’t want to miss out on anything, please subscribe to the facebook page or the Newsletter below.

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