
Trust the Universe

Sometimes life asks you to be patient and you don’t want to be patient. You just want it now, you want to continue, you want to grow and go forward. Even though it is a quality to have willpower, perseverance, stamina, to make it your best, when life asks you to be patient just surrender. Something better for you is on the horizon.


Life has its own special way to have everything come at the right time and right place. The only thing you have to do is read the signs and follow the path that opens up for you to take. Sometimes this is not the path you wish to take. But just sit with it, relax in it, surrender. Only when you calm down and let go of your (controlling) mind, the road to trust and intuition is opened again. And when time passes you’ll notice that even the hardest roads that you didn’t wish to take were the right ones for you. Life is not always a party, but trust it is for the best, to become the best version of you.

Where are you running from?

A lot of people are having the flu at the moment, and they would rather keep going and work. They feel useless, or they feel restless being at home, alone with themselves. I want to advise you to take the lesson here, surrender to your sickness. Feel and discover what your flu is trying to tell you. Take the time to heal and work through it all. And when you do well, you’ll even feel more recharged or have more oppurtunities opening up, just because you let it come as it was. You took the time to fully recover, to accept, to trust and be patient.

Your body is usually slower in adjusting to situations than your mind. Your body stores memories, patterns and pain in your tissues. These need longer times to heal and process when not in connection. Our minds are determining what the plans are for that day, how fast we should get to that target or goal. If you cannot keep up with these targets, you might feel not good enough, discouraged or wonder about what others might think of you etcetera.

All these thoughts are the ones you need to explore. That is where you are really running from when you are trying to get more, and better and faster. They prevent you from relaxing and being in touch with your body. Go ahead and feel.

Out of connection

In this modern society, wherein time, money and rushing is all we seem to have, the mind and body are not working together anymore. You get sick, tired, burned out. Please take the time to heal your body, give your body the time to realign with your mind again and from there work together as a team. Give your body as much attention as your brain. Go do some conscious sports, but only within the limits of your body. Don’t overdo it, do it together. Body and mind, body and soul. In unity you are free. In unity you can live your real targets and goals. In unity you are complete.

Trust me, I have been there. My mind running, my body behind me. I pushed my body over its limits. Until it almost collapsed. If your body gets sick, if you get (unexplained) pains, start listening. Your body tries to speak, because your mind isn’t listening. You are not working together. Listen and learn. Slow down, stop running. Observe, feel and let it be.

Love your body, mind, soul and connect them in love. You have a physical body, it is your best friend, your vessel in which you want to go through life with ease. So take good care of it. Slow down, sit still, observe.

Start connecting

Come do yoga, or do Tai chi, start meditating. Here you can connect all the parts that you are in your time, in calmness and repect. Listen and observe.

So you can live your life, at your speed, in unity. Open for the path that you create right before your eyes. While attracting your dreams with the help of the Universe.


Trust and all will come

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Nagabandhu Yoga

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