
What is your desire for 2018? ~ Spring Equinox

Today the night and the day are of the same length. Today marks the spring equinox. In the pagan tradition it is called Ostara, the festival of the goddess Eostar, with her symbols the egg and a hare. Red eggs are given to each other as a symbol for new times, new life.

Sounds familiar? Whatever religion or belief system you have, fact is that the sun is going to be more present in our days than the darkness. That’s worth a celebration right?

Planting seeds

It is a time to start planting what you would like to harvest later on this year, literally and figurally speaking.

It is a time of fertility in the world surrounding us. You’ll see farmers starting to prepare the lands for planting their seeds they wish to grow this year. Birds starting to build their nests and the first signs of blossom in the trees and flower buds peeking just above the surface.

Planting Dreams

Symbolically you can start by thinking what you would like to shed, let go off, what doesn’t serve you anymore, so you can step freely and with new ideas and enthusiasm in the sun and spring.

Letting go, means creating space for something new. Creating space for your wishes and desires, your dreams. The time is now to set a beautiful intention for your reaping at the end of this year.

What is your dream for 2018?

Maybe you would like to be stronger, live a healthier lifestyle, have a job that serves your qualities and needs better. Maybe you want to travel the world. All wishes you can set at this moment in time. So you can reap what you sow in the end of the year.

The earth and our energies are fertile to receive and to grow what has been patiently waiting under the earth to sprout.

A short meditation

Sit yourself down, back straight, shoulders relaxed. Head slightly tucked into your chest. And breathe, feel your body. Ankles, knees, hips, back, arms, shoulders, neck and head. Breathe.

Breathe in and out through your nose. Try to make your inhales shorter than your exhales. With every inhale you feel your stomach rising, and with every exhale your stomach sinks back in.

Shed and let go

Once you feel relaxed, feel and think of what doesn’t serve you anymore. Maybe you feel something literally in your body; an old ache, heavy shoulders, maybe weight in general. Or it is a situation that you want to step out of, end, finished business. Feel it, see it and set your intention of shedding this, letting go of this. Feel it leave. Take your time. Breathe through it. Use your breath. With every inhale bringing fresh new energy and air, with every exhale releasing and letting go. Let it sink into the floor and have it recycled by earth.

Your dream is already there

Once you made space, start thinking of your intention for this new spring season and the rest of the year 2018. What is your dream? Your passion? Desire? What is it that you want to accomplish this year? Visualize it, see it in front of you as if you are already there. Feel it in your body, smell it, taste it, hear it. Breathe your fresh energy into it. If you feel like it, you can make an affirmation out of it. But hold the picture, hold the thoughts as if it is already there. The universe will help you to fulfill your dreams as everything will be set into motion. Trust and you’ll see. Trust the universe.

Keep reminding yourself of this dream picture, this visualization you made. Maybe you want to draw or paint it, if you have the skills. Or you think of it daily during your moment to yourself, or your meditation.

I wish you all a happy Spring equinox. Celebrating more light into our existence again!


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