
6 Winter Yoga poses & Lifestyle Tips for Grounding and Focus

Though Spring is up soon, it doesn’t seem to have set in yet. At least not here in the Netherlands. It’s still freezing, hailing and snowing. The wind blowing, slowly bringing some winds of change into the new season. Very slow, step by step. So enough time to set aside some info about the Vata dosha. In my earlier post I wrote about Winter Yoga & Lifestyle Tips for the  Kapha dosha (water) to get more active. That is the dosha which is predominant in the wintertime and also the post where I tell you a little bit more about the dosha system. So, as promised, you’ll now read more on the Vata dosha which is the dosha subsequently dominant in the winter season.

Vata dosha

The Vata dosha has the quality of air, dryness, cold, flow. Too much Vata brings chaos, too much movement and imbalance. People that have too much Vata can have very messy rooms as if a whirlwind went through the place. They can be thinly build, because their metabolism runs quickly. The same goes for too much Vata in seasons, mostly during autumn and winter; storms, cold, restlessness. It is literally the air, the winds through our season, that can bring chaos if the air is not balanced.

As I told in the earlier post, everyone holds qualities of all three dosha’s in them. And the season can have certain dosha’s show up more easily. So if you feel out of balance, not in focus or less grounded, these tips can be helpful for you.

What you need are strong roots to keep you rooted and grounded when the wind tries to brings you out of balance. We need warmth to keep our body nurtured and functioning, to keep a healthy mental state. We need focus to not get carried away by all the winds of change that come on our path during this time of the year. Like a strong tree, rooted in the ground, focusing and in balance.

Wintertime Yoga Sequence for Air (Vata)

The following asanas can help you with getting more grounded, warmth and focus. To maintain the flow of the air, it is advised to do the poses with attention and at a low speed. In that way you stay stable, have a better focus and you prevent restlessness. Try to implement them in your daily practice or do them when you feel you need them the most. They are arranged from the top to the bottom chakra, which is the direction for waste excretion down the body.


  • Start with three minutes Alternate Nostril breathing (Anulom Vilom) at whatever pace feels good for you. In this way you balance both sides of your body.
  • Do four rounds of Sun Salutations at a slow and focused pace.

Six Yoga Poses for Vata in Wintertime

  • Childpose (Shashankasana) wherein by putting your forehead on the floor, your mind can ground. Thoughts can leave, chaos can disappear. When restless, sit yourself down in childpose and feel the earth’s energy calm down your mind.
  • The Eight Limbs Greeting (Ashtanga Namaskara) wherein you touch with all your limbs the floor, will help you with grounding deeper into the mat. As if roots come from all points pressing into the mat, rooting, grounding and receiving earth’s energy.
  • To become more grounded and stable do an arm balances for example Crow (Kaak asana).
  • Following a standing balance and focus pose for example Dancer pose (Natarajasana).
  • Any standing pose; which will ground you through the roots of your feet, connecting with our root chakra (Muladhara). For example Mountain (Taad asana)
  • Do Shavasana as a final relaxation and use a nice warm blanket.


Besides the asanas it is important that you eat well in this time of the year. Our metabolism runs faster, we need more heavy foods to keep our body warm and healthy. Warm foods are preferred and are easier to digest. Nice thick soups, pasta’s and other filling healthy ingredients are very welcome. Make sure to buy vegetables and fruits from this season. Not only will you help the environment more by doing so, but as well has a vegetable from the season the right vitamins you need right now. It can even help with the dryness of your skin. I also advise to use extra D3 supplements. In this time of the year the amount of sun is extremely low and certainly not enough to maintain a healthy D level in the body. Of course advise your own GP beforehand.


Make sure to take good care of your skin. Shower not too hot or too often and make sure to use a nice oil (for example sesame oil) or an organic cream to nurture and protect the skin in the dry air of Winter. Make sure the rooms in your house do not get too dry. Put some little jars with water above heaters (if possible) to have the water evaporate into the air. This will help the air to become more humid.

I hope this information will inspire you to do some Yoga in the Wintertime and keep your mind and body healthy and fulfilled.

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