Regression Therapy in Rotterdam (South Holland)
The practice is located within Blije Boeddha Yoga, in Rotterdam City Center:
Bergselaan 321A, Rotterdam
Opening hours:
- Monday to Friday from 10h00 am to 6h00 pm.
This is a one on one therapy. To not disturb the process and to respect privacy, others are requested to wait outside the facility.
About the locationThe location is close to Rotterdam Central Station. Within 15 minutes you walk to the facility. Rotterdam Central is reachable by train, bus, metro and tram.
The closest metrostation is Rotterdam Blijdorp, with only 5 minutes to go by foot.
There is paid parking available around the facility.
More information:
PSBK certified.
Professional member of the NVRT;
Dutch Society of Past-life Therapists (NVRT)
Professional member of EARTh;
Earth Association for Regression Therapy