
Full Moon Yoga for the Sacral Chakra

Sometimes it is time to have it come as it comes and let go as it goes.

Sunday night it was full moon and I notice it is time for me to take a step back and reflect. Let it all be. Feeling more tired and slowing down. Moon energy is more passive, but as well more intuitive.

The full moon announcing the time to reflect and just let be, let go or strenghten what has been opened up.

Full moon Yoga

So what I do is full moon Yoga. Doing poses to open up my heart, hips and focus on my sacral chakra (lower abdomen) using the full moon. The sacral chakra is filled with female energy, desire, sexual energy. It is our own moon center in our body.

So in this post some nice sacral chakra poses you can do at home at your own pace. Try to do the movements slower and hold longer than you are used to. Moon energy is slowing down and more passive energy. To align with it, you’ll get the most benefits out of it. Try to hold all poses for at least three breaths. If you like it, you can visualize the full moon behind your eyes as doing the poses with closed eyes can help you connect better with the energy.

The energy of the moon is already at work three days before and keeps going three days after full moon. So still enough time to recharge and make use of these flowing energies.

Warm up:

  • Do some neck stretches, head circles, shoulder circles, side twist, light forward bent and butterfly pose to open up the hips.

Short Moon sequnece for the Sacral Chakra (lower abdomen)

  1. Half moon: feet together while standing, and leaning on an exhale to the left side, inhale to center, exhale and lean to the right side.
  2. Crescent pose (full of light pose): On an inhale place your left foot back into a high lunge. Find your balance and reach your arms and up together. Arch back gently, making it look like the moon. Feel your lower belly and inhale moon energy into this point.
  3. Downward facing dog; bring your hands toward your right foot and on an inhale step your right foot back into down ward facing dog. Stay here for 5 breaths.
  4. On all fours: Drop your knees down, place your hands under your shoulders. Hips stacked above knees.
  5. Cat and cow: Inhale, look up, tailbone comes up, curve your back down, exhale, move your head towards chest, tailbone comes up, press your hands into the mat (repeat 3 times slowly)
  6. Move your hips backwards into a childpose and rest here for 5 breaths
  7. Downward dog: Lift up your hips and press yourself up into a downward dog. Breath 3 times.
  8. Crescent pose: Step your left foot forward in a low or high lunge. Bring your arms up into the shape of the moon (3 breaths).
  9. Half moon; Bring your right leg forward and on an inhale come up feet together while standing, and leaning on an exhale to the left side, inhale to center, exhale and lean to the right side.

Working into the mat:

    1. Boat pose
    2. Happy baby
    3. Pigeon on both sides

If you want, after you have done the poses, you can meditate on the energy, ask questions that you would like to see answered or use an oracle deck. Full moon energy is very good for this.

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Nagabandhu Yoga

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